"Nignorance" Describes Soulja Boy's Comments PDF Print E-mail
By John Torrey -- Black College Wire   

I  cannot believe it. A black person in America thanked the slave masters and slavery for bringing blacks to America, so that we could “get this ice and tattoos.”

promo photo
Soulja Boy
Thank you, Soulja Boy, for displaying the term that I will publicly introduce (but did not coin): "nignorance." That’s a combination of ignorance and another word (take a guess). There is no other way to describe the level of unawareness and purposeful tastelessness that rapper Soulja Boy placed into our world with his comment on the BET Hip-Hop Awards Wrap Up Event.

First, a history lesson – slave masters did not bring slaves to America. How do I know this? Well, I went to high school and learned basic history. Did Soulja Boy? (I refuse to research the young man, so someone else can educate me). Slave traders brought the slaves; slave masters did even more lengthy dehumanizing to their black slaves, finishing more than likely with their death.

So let’s be sure you know who you’re congratulating, my "nignorant" friend. Give a shout out to those who forcibly snatched men and women from their families. Give a holler to those who proudly auctioned off blacks to the slave masters. Riiiiiiiiiight. But that’s just a tip of the "nignorant" iceberg with Soulja Boy.

Personal photo
John Torrey
Slavery brought the deaths of millions and it was an economic move. That ice, those tattoos? Cultivated from the blood of our ancestors. Why was their blood shed? To acquire free labor for America’s economic benefit. Soulja Boy thoroughly displays with these kinds of comments what’s really wrong with black America. We were brought here to save money in the long run for our owners. Now we know nothing more than to spend money, padding the pockets of the descendants of our owners.

But wait, there’s more! Toure, the established journalist  from BET who interviewed him, said that Soulja Boy looked dead serious when, in responding to the question  "Which historical figure do you most hate the most?" he gave thanks to the slave masters for bringing blacks to America. Toure also says that he gave the same questions, the Proust Questionnaire, to other celebrities to get their humanistic side, not their sensationalistic side.

Young Soulja Boy appears to have just a sensationalistic side. His “developed” human side is ensnared with the greed and desires of being a king – with all the ice and tattoos he can have. All I can say is that this is sheer nignorance. Thanks, Soulja Boy. You’ve set blacks back, roughly, 50 years.

John Torrey writes for The Maroon Tiger, the Morehouse College student newspaper, which originally published this article.

Articles in the Voices section represent the opinions of the individual writers and do not reflect the views of Black College Wire.

Posted Nov. 18, 2008
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