Baby Bliss or Blues?

Returning to the University of the Virgin Islands at age 18 with a newborn baby has certainly been exhausting and challenging.

Andrea Soto

I went from being the princess who never lifted a finger to a full-time employee, student and mother, all in the blink of an eye. I was 17 when I got pregnant and 18 when I had my daughter, and like every other teen mother, I had to deal with the social stigma that comes with teenage pregnancy.

While some people were disappointed and others tried to put me down, it didn't matter because from the day my daughter was born, I constantly reminded myself that she was reason enough to pursue my career goals as an English major and subsequently as a prestigious attorney.

Never did I imagine how strenuous it is to juggle so many responsibilities at once. And the fact that I'm doing it all, despite all the difficulties, has given me an immense feeling of maturity, independence and motivation to do more.

Although the spring semester was the most exhausting, it was also the semester where I worked the hardest and applied myself the most.

During the three years that I've been taking courses at UVI, I missed class from time to time simply because I was tired or just felt that I needed a break.

Now, things are so much different. I try my best to make it to every single class, even if I have to take my daughter along!

Unfortunately for me, there were days when I just couldn't find a babysitter, so instead of using my problem as an excuse for not attending class, I just took her along with me.

My professors are very understanding and have allowed me to take my daughter to class whenever it has been necessary. At first I was amazed, but then I realized that most teachers are willing to help once they see their students are interested.

Having a baby has not been an obstacle in pursing my goals, and it shouldn't be for anyone. The trick is to focus on your goal and to be determined and prepared to work hard to acquire it.

Being a full-time mother, employee and student is definitely not an easy task. But with the right vitamins, attitude and outlook on life, anyone can do it!

Andrea Soto, a student at the University of the Virgin Islands St. Croix campus, writes for the UVI Voice. To comment, e-mail [email protected]

Posted Sept. 19, 2007

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